CHARIS is led by a Moderator assisted by the International Service of Communion. The function of the Moderator is fixed by the Statutes (art. 11). Between them, to promote and develop Catholic Charismatic Renewal as a current of grace in the Church and for the Church; to promote the work of unity in the Body of Christ; to ensure good communication between the ecclesiastical authorities and Catholic Charismatic Renewal worldwide, and in particular with the Holy See through the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life…
The International Service of Communion helps the Moderator to uphold, expand and promote the objectives of CHARIS; to be in touch with and to study the situation of Catholic Charismatic Renewal in its many expressions at National, Regional and Continental levels; to assure that the diversity of Catholic Charismatic Renewal is respected in the programmes, projects, relationships with other Churches and Christian communities and activities of CHARIS; to discern and give attention to the needs of formation within Catholic Charismatic Renewal (see Statutes art. 8).
Jean-Luc Moens
Born in 1951, Belgian, married to Anne in 1974, 7 children, 11 grandchildren. PhD thesis in mathematics. Received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the earlies 1970’s. Member of the Emmanuel Community, associated to its governance for more than 30 years, chief editor of the magazine IL EST VIVANT, President of the NGO FIDESCO. Member of the Dicastery Cor Unum (Vatican) from 2007 to 2016. Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Catholic Fraternity 2015-2019.
Bishop Peter Leslie Smith
North America and the Caribbean
(English and French speaking)
Born in South Africa in 1958 and raised there. Obtained degrees in business and law at university. Then moved to the USA and joined the People of Praise community and its Brotherhood. Ordained a priest in the Archdiocese of Portland in June 2001. Became Vicar General, Moderator of the Curia in 2013. Appointed Auxiliary Bishop in 2014 by Pope Francis. Currently serving on the Ecumenism, Marriage and Family Life, Canonical Affairs, and Africa committees of the US Bishops Conference. Currently involved in several ecumenical projects and ministries.
Andrés Arango
North America and the Caribbean
(Spanish speaking)
Born in 1976 in Colombia. In 1995 received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. In 2001 he moved to the United States of America. With his wife Kathia are the proud parents of twin daughters. Andrés is the bishop’s delegate for Hispanic ministry and director of evangelization for the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey. He was, for two terms, the chairman of the Hispanic National Service Committee of the CCR in the USA/Canada and consultant of the Sub-Committee for Hispanic affairs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. He currently serves as President of the Latin-American Catholic Charismatic Council (CONCCLAT) and member of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) Council. Andrés holds a degree in Production Engineering and a Master’s degree in Theological Studies. He teaches in the ICCRS Formation programs and in the online Theology program of the University of Notre Dame, South Bend. Andrés is the author of the books “Catholic Charismatic Renewal: A Current of Grace” and “Be my Witness”.
Pino Scafuro
South America
(Spanish speaking)
Born in 1967, married to Carina, with 2 children. He works in the industrial field. He studied Psychology. Pastoral Counseling and Logotherapy. He joined the CCR in 1985. He is currently the coordinator of the CCR of Buenos Aires. Vice President of the Catholic Fraternity. Responsible for Movements, Associations and Communities in the Episcopal Conference of Argentina. Executive Member of Creces (Renewed Communion of Evangelicals and Catholics in the Holy Spirit).
Gabriella Marcia da Rocha Días
South America
(Portuguese speaking)
Born in 1977 in Brazil. She is a consecrated laywoman, with vows in “Celibacy for the Kingdom of Heaven”, according to the Charism of the Shalom Catholic Community. Received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1994. Gabriella has been a member of Shalom Community’s General Council since 2004. For several years she was in charge of the Shalom’s “Discipleship”, its Formation House for new members. From 2004 to 2013 she was responsible for the motherhouse of Shalom Community, in Fortaleza, Brazil. She currently covers the role of “Apostolic Assistant” of Shalom, accompanying and promoting the apostolic development, the evangelizing dynamics, “Life in the Spirit Seminars” and Prayer Groups of Shalom missions in Brazil and in various parts of the world.
Cyril John
Married to Elsamma, 4 children. Baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1982 and was called to CCR leadership in 1991. He was previously Coordinator of the Delhi Crusaders (an intercession ministry); a prayer group leader in Delhi (until 1994); Chairman of the Delhi Archdiocesan Service Committee (1994-2000); Coordinator of the National Intercession Network in India (1995-2001); Member of the National Service Committee of the CCR in India (1995-1998) and Chairman of Indian NSC (2001-2016). Cyril was a member of the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) Council from 2004 to 2007 and was Vice-President of ICCRS Council from 2007 to 2015. Since 2015, Course Coordinator for the ICCRS Intercession Training Course (ITC). Chairman of ICCRS Sub-Committee for Asia-Oceania (ISAO) since 2006.
María Eugenia de Góngora
Central America
(Spanish speaking)
Born in Guatemala in 1959. Married to Rafael in 1980, 2 children, 3 grandchildren. Economist. Baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1976. Serves with Rafael in the Ministry of the Family. Executive Secretary of the Laity Department of the CEG, 2000 to 2009. Secretary Executive of CONCCACE, 2004 to 2006 (Central American Catholic Charismatic Council). Vice-president from 2004 to 2010 and president from 2010 to 2018 of the CONCCLAT (Catholic Latin American Charismatic Council). Member of ICCRS from 2004 to 2015.
Jean-Christophe Sakiti
(French speaking)
Married to Isabelle with 3 children. Baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1984. Diocesan Coordinator for Charismatic Renewal from 1990 to 1997. National Coordinator for Charismatic Renewal in Togo from 2007 to 2015.
From 2015 to date: member of ICCRS Council as President of AFSCI (African Sub Committee for ICCRS).
Engaged as trainer for leaders, retreat preacher and evangelization in many African countries.
Fred Mawanda
(English speaking)
50 years of age, baptized in the Spirit while studying at the University in 1990. For the last twenty-five years he has been involved in the new evangelization in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) He was Diocesan Coordinator of the CCR in Masaka from 1994 to 2007. He handed that over and helped to start several youth ministries in Uganda, including the National Evangelization Teams that he started in 2003 and led for 12 years and handed that over to another leader in 2016. He has helped establish the Catholic Christian Outreach on University Campuses in Uganda and establishing the Catholic Schools Youth Ministry. He is currently the Moderator of a charismatic covenant community called Holy Trinity Community in Masaka Diocese. He served on the executive of the Catholic Fraternity from 2007 to 2016. He is involved in many evangelization and poverty alleviation initiatives.
Paolo Maino
Born in 1948 in Italy, married to Eliana Aloisi in 1973. The couple founded the Via Pacis Association in 1979, of which Paolo is President. Religion teacher in high schools from 1989 to 2002. Founder of the Shalom International Solidarity Onlus Association in 1994, and president of the same until 2012. In 2002 PhD in “Sacred Theology with specialization in Pastoral Liturgy” with thesis “The Postmodern in Church? The Charismatic Renewal”. Since 2006 director of the magazine “Sulla via della Pace” (“Into the Way of Peace”).
Br. James Shin San-Huyn
Born in May 1955 in South Korea. Medical doctor by profession, specialty in Internal medicine. Received the Baptism in the Spirit in 1989. Professed perpetual vows in 1998 as a religious member; belongs to Brothers Congregation of Kkottongnae which is a community serving the poorest of the poor.
Council member of ICCRS from 2007 to 2016 representing East Asia, South East Asia and Central Asia.
Shayne Bennett
Married to Shanelle, 3 married children and 10 grandchildren. Since 1973, Shayne has held a variety of leadership roles within the Renewal which include leading prayer meetings, leadership within the Brisbane Emmanuel Community (15 years as Moderator), member of the National Service Committee, a long term member of the Executive of the Catholic Fraternity as well as supporting Catholic Charismatic Renewal groups and communities in South-East Asia and East Africa.
Shayne is the Founding Executive Director of NET Ministries in Australia.
José Prado Flores
Diverse Catholic Charismatic Renewal Ministries
Mexican lay, born in 1947. Married to Susan in Kaná of Galilee, Israel in 1981. Baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1971. Member of ICCRS from 1995 to 2000. Preacher in 57 countries, including the Vatican, International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec, Canada and Olympic Stadium Rome in 2016. Writer: Author of 49 books which have been translated into 12 languages. Founder: St. Andrew School of Evangelization in 1980, to form new evangelizers for the New Evangelization.
Fr. Etienne Vetö
Charismatic priest or religious
Born 28 November 1964 in Milwaukee, U.S.A., his mother being French and his father Hungarian. He is both a French and an American citizen. Since 1987 a member of the Chemin Neuf Community, where he was ordained Priest in 1997. He has obtained both an Agrégation in Philosophy (equivalent of a PhD in the French system) and a doctorate in Theology. Since 2014, professor of Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Since September 2017, Director of the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies and Jewish-Christian relations of the Gregorian University. Involved in youth ministry and ministry for couples and families, as well as preaching and accompanying spiritual exercises. Head of youth activities for the “Commission for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000” (Rome, 1999-2001). Involved in accompanying physically handicapped people and homeless people. Elected to the Community Council of the Chemin Neuf Community in 2016. Member of the Doctrinal Commission of ICCRS.
Deacon Etienne Mellot
Born in 1953, born again in 1980, I have been member in a prayer group since that date.
In 2014 elected as coordinator of the French network of prayer groups, and later as coordinator of the French National Service of CCR. I’m also member of the European subcommittee of ICCRS. Married, father and grand-father, I’m now retired from information technologies. I’m happy to serve as deacon in my parish.
Deacon Johannes Fichtenbauer
Born 1956 in Vienna, Austria. MA in Theology and 15 years of teaching fundamental theology. Serves as head deacon and director for the training of permanent deacons in the Archdiocese of Vienna under Cardinal Christoph Schönborn. Married to Christi for more than 40 years. Five adult children and seven grandchildren. Involved in the CCR since the 1970’s. The couple cofounded an ecumenical covenant community in Vienna. Currently the president of the “European Network of Communities” (ENC) – a “Family” of more than an hundred communities. As the chairman of the “Weg der Versöhnung” (Path for Reconciliation) Johannes pioneered for more than 30 years a reconciliation process between the Catholic Church and the Evangelical free-churches in Austria. The European Director and one of the International Elders of “Toward Jerusalem Council II”, an initiative for reconciliation between the Christians from the nations and the Messianic-Jewish believers. A member of semi-official dialogue between the Messianic Jews and the Vatican since the year 2000.
François Prouteau
Association with Holy See recognition
Born in 1961 in France, married to Anne for more than 30 years, 4 adult children. He holds a Master of Engineering from IMT Atlantique (1984) and a PhD in Education (2004).
Member of the community Fondacio, he was the Director of IFF Europe (Institute of Formation – Fondacio in Europe) from the foundation in 1989 to 2009. He is now the moderator of Fondacio.
Jean Barbara
Born in 1957, 4 children and 4 grand-children. He is the International President of the Sword of the Spirit, and the National Leader of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Lebanon. With his wife Marie-Therese, he also serves the Arabic Speaking Renewal of the Middle East and the Gulf Countries.
Giulia Rancan
Young Catholic under 30 years old
Born in 1991 in Vicenza, Italy. Baptism of the Holy Spirit received in 2007 and member of Abramo Community.
Currently part of the executive team of Abramo Community for international missionary projects, based in diverse European countries. From 2014 to 2018 member of the organizing team of “YouHope Gandia” the summer evangelization festival for youth in Gandia (Valencia-Spain), in collaboration with various Dioceses in Spain. From 2012 to 2014 worked as project coordinator of the school evangelization programs at the “Fortunata Gresner” secondary school in Verona. Youth Ministry Delegate since 2012 of the Diocese of Vicenza and also member of the organizing committee for the “Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment”.
Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa o.f.m. Cap
Ecclesiastical Assistant
Born in Ascoli Piceno, Italy, 22 July 1934. Religious profession in the Order of Friars Minors Capuchins in 1955, was ordained priest in 1958 and received the Baptism in the Spirit in 1977.Theology Doctor and Doctor in classical literature, has been Professor of History of Ancient Christianity at the Catholic University of Milan, member of the International Theological Commission from 1975 to 1981, and for 12 years member of the Catholic Delegation for the dialogue with the Pentecostal Churches. In 1980 he was appointed by Saint John Paul II Preacher to the Papal Household and was confirmed in that position by Pope Benedict XVI and by Pope Francis.